Big Foot

Big Foot by Sudipto Sarkar on Visioplanet

Photoblog Awards

One of the several photographs I shot during our jamming sessions. Our drummer wore his shoes for better “traction”. And yes, it is his foot… 🙂

Exposure f/4.5 1/164 sec
ISO 80
Date taken 2011:09:25
Camera Nikon Coolpix L110
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  1. You are most certainly are an artist with your camera. 🙂
    I've enjoyed looking at all your wonderful work.
    Thanks for your visit to my photoblog and for leaving a comment.
    Carletta's Captures

  2. beaucoup d'intensité et de textures dans tes images, à l'instar de celle ci !! j'aime beaucoup ton regard sur les choses qui nous entourent !!

  3. First of all thanks for visiting my blog and commenting my pictures.
    I like your style and your art of seeing 🙂
    I'll put you on my link list 😉

  4. Cool to hear from you again! Glad to see you are back shooting, as you have a wonderful eye for detail. And I like this new presentation, the new blogger template. I'v been thinking about trying it out. How do you like it so far?

  5. @Doug Thanks man… 🙂 It really has been quite some time… I hardly get any time nowadays, spending all week in my job and the weekends with my band.. I spend something like 30 hours in a train every week.. It's quite hectic.. 🙁
    About the new template, it's actually good. But just the looks. The search engines have stopped seeing my posts… If you get your visitors from Google or Yahoo (search not reader), I'd suggest not to go with it. In my case, it's very small, and I don't really write much text anyway. So it works for me.. 🙂

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