Teenie Tiny

Teenie Tiny by Sudipto Sarkar on Visioplanet

So, I’ve been away again. I’ve been working on my program to enable posting scheduling. Google’s API sucks in setting the URL, which if you noticed, is linked to my name under the photo. Well, turns out that part will have to be in manual processing for my scheduling to work.

In other news, I joined a gym on Saturday (health ftw). My wings are gonna kill me tomorrow morning… Oh, you’ll be reading it tomorrow. 🙂

And this one’s probably not a sunflower. The sunflowers were in a different row, and were much bigger…

Exposure f/5.6 1/2500 sec
ISO 800
Focal Length in 35mm 450
Date taken 2017:07:29 12:38:21
Camera NIKON D3200
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  1. This is beautiful, Sudipto!
    It makes me think of warm summer sunshine.
    Congratulations on joining a gym!
    Once you make it a habit, it gets much easier, and you really do feel different (in s good way).
    Have a wonderful week, my friend!

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